Date: 10/3/2017
Models: All Water Source Heat Pumps
- Use extreme caution when handling muriatic acid
- Contact with muriatic acid can result in serious injury
- Be sure to wear eye protection and protective gloves
- Acid cleaning should ONLY be performed by a trained technician
Acid Cleaning Procedure
- Mix one gallon of muriatic acid with three gallons of water (25% muriatic acid solution) in a five-gallon plastic bucket.
- Disconnect the water inlet and outlet hoses from the heat pump.
- Connect hoses as shown in the diagram. Note flow is in the opposite direction of the regular flow.
- Using a pump that will tolerate 25% muriatic acid, circulate solution through heat pump for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Flush with clean water.
- Reconnect water inlet and outlet hoses to the heat pump.
Source: Bosch Service Bulletin